
White Ash Handle Scales x 2

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  • White Ash Handle Scales x 2


White Ash Wood Knife Handle Scales x 2

White Ash, or American Ash is a native tree in the Eastern and Central US, The attractive and wavy grain structure has made it a popular wood for things like electric guitars and baseball bats, hammer handles and longbows. It is not suitable for external use and needs to be sealed against the elements with oil, wax or similar.

 The scales are about 10 x 40 x 120 mm in size each, this is a set of 2 scales.

 White Ash is not a highly figured wood, giving a uniform oak-like structure and colours when finished. The symmetric growth rings make it easy to create a wavy pattern in round or oval handle shapes. The grains are straight and uniform running mostly down the length of the scales.

Example of a knife with white ash handle by Edwin at who makes a lot of great Viking inspired pieces:

This is a stick tang blade and using a block, not scales. Here showing the wood after sanding and oiling.


See for more projects kits and pieces 



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